All of us have a talent and I can't think of anything better than making money from our God given talent. It's not like work because it is our talent and hopefully we enjoy doing it.

Cartoons are a wonderful part of our lives. They say every picture tells a story and cartoons are loved by all age groups from the young to the old. I still remember going to the cinema as a child to watch Bambi and to this day I still love cartoons and I am sure that you have your favorite cartoon character.

This article is not about making cartoons or how to draw cartoons. You can either do that already or you can't. Personally Walt Disney is one of my heroes, but I can't draw cartoons to save my life, but I love cartoons and I do make money from cartoons, but I use cartoons in a very special way.

I actually provide laser animation and use cartoons as my medium. I get the cartoonists and animators to draw everything and I get my programmers to program the animation to laser and then we project the finished results for our clients. I still get paid for working in an area that I love but I am not talented at because I don't actually do all the work myself.

If you love cartoons, you may want to look for similar ways to make money with your cartoons without having to do all the work yourself.

However if you have the artistic talent already, then you are one step ahead of us less talented people.

Well first of all like all projects you need to have laser like focus and a specific direction in mind. It is no good saying I want to make money selling cartoons, but I don't know what to do. You simply will not succeed. So first thing you need to do is to decide what area of cartooning you want to work in.

The first thing I recommend is that you start a blog so that people can find you. Now there are many mentors you can find who can show you how to start your own blog properly. If you don't do it properly, it simply won't work well. So find out how to start your blog and then get writing and create your blog if you don't have one. Once you have your blog, you can have AdSense running on your pages and other advertising.

You can sell your own pictures or you can become an affiliate seller for other people and services such as Amazon and other websites. You can upload videos as well to make it even more attractive. So just with a blog, you can have 5 or 6 different ways to become a money maker.
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